Hamble Powerboat Charters and SUNUS Ocean Racing at the Cowes Torquay Cowes Powerboat Races

Allegro behind 2017 Cowes Torquaypowerboat race winners Halcyon connect and SUNUS Ocean Racing C237

The Cowes-Torquay-Cowes Off-Shore Powerboat Race, Solent, 25th-26th August 2018

We had a superb weekend in 2017 when Hamble Powerboat Charters “Allegro” acted as team HQ boat for our friends at SUNUS Ocean Racing.

Over the course of the Weekend Sunus Ocean Racing, Tom Montgomery-Swan and then team mate Michal Galczewski took a superb second place overall and were the first outboard powered hull home just behind overall winners  Halcyon Connect.

Full results are here on the British Powerboat Racing  Cowes Torquay home page.

What was so enjoyable for us over the whole weekend was being able to get in among the action in the wet pits at Cowes Yacht Haven. The weather was superb being one of the hottest weekends of the year and near flat calm conditions to host and take out  the SUNUS Ocean racing sponsors and partners on board Allegro.

We watched the racing from the start “funnel” of Cowes where the race boats accelerate up to top speed. An incredible sight and sound.

We watched the progress of the race live from on board Allegro using the race app YB Races and by the time we had finished lunch on board and our guests had popped open their second bottle Tom Montgomery-Swan in the Mercury Racing Sunus C273 entry was already almost at Torquay and averaging around 76mph.

C237 from on board Allegro before the Cowes Torquay powerboat races with SUNUS Ocean Racing
C237 from on board Allegro before the Cowes Torquay powerboat races with SUNUS Ocean Racing
Guests on board Allegro during the Cowes Torquay powerboat races with SUNUS Ocean Racing
Guests on board Allegro during the Cowes Torquay powerboat races with SUNUS Ocean Racing
SUNUS Ocean Racing Tom and family
SUNUS Ocean Racing Tom and family alongside C237
Halcyon Connect winner 2017 Cowes Torquay Cowes Powerboat race
Halcyon Connect winner 2017 Cowes Torquay Cowes Powerboat race
Allegro at West Cowes Yacht Haven Cowes Toorquay Powerboat Race 2017 Hamble Powerboat Charters
Allegro at West Cowes Yacht Haven Cowes Toorquay Powerboat Race 2017 Hamble Powerboat Charters
Allegro at West Cowes Yacht Haven Cowes Toorquay Powerboat Race 2017 Hamble Powerboat Charters
Allegro at West Cowes Yacht Haven Cowes Toorquay Powerboat Race 2017 Hamble Powerboat Charters




Allegro provides the perfect location for a marriage proposal

Marriage proposal on board Allegro with Hamble Powerboat Charters

On a calm and sunny day at the beginning of November our guest Ravi proposed to his lovely girlfriend Mani on board Allegro. While at anchor in Osborne Bay the crew made themselves scarce below deck for their special moment, and we are pleased to say Mani said yes! 

It was a pleasure to meet them both and and a privilege to have them on board for such an important day. After a champagne celebration and much admiration of Mani’s impressive new engagement ring we headed for Cowes. We dropped them off at Cowes Yacht Haven for lunch at “Coast” restaurant in West Cowes before returning to Port Solent before sunset.
We wish them all the very best for their future together.

Contact us at Hamble Powerboat Charters if you are thinking of popping the question of a marriage proposal and we’ll provide the perfect location.